
dir. Julia VanTrees Cowitt

Time's Up

dir. Guelan Luarca

Rabbits, Rabbits

dir. Cam Cooper

Avenue Q

dir. Whitney Aronson


2024 Heartstrings – Puppeteer/Self, dir. Julia VanTrees Cowitt, Sarah Lawrence College

2023 Time's Up - Time of Death, dir. Guelan Luarca, Paper Kraine Productions

2022       Wake Up – Puppeteer/Wraith, dir. Anna Green, Sarah Lawrence College

2022 Rabbits, Rabbits – Puppeteer,  dir. Cam Cooper, Sarah Lawrence College

2022 Little Amal’s In Search of the Waterfront – Puppeteer, Processional Arts in Collaboration with St. Ann’s Warehouse

2019 Avenue Q – Bad Idea Bear/Featured Dancer/Puppeteer, dir. Whitney Aronson,  Arc Stages